Star wars empire vs rebels

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So the Rebels favor multiple waves, doing chip damage to the enemy fleet/base/garrison while the Empire favors all-out, crushing force, taking the base in one fell swoop. Imperial Star Destroyers) or the Space Station is a victory, even if you are defeated. Even in space, just taking out certain units (i.e. It might take several Raids to weaken the Empire enough to land a proper force. In general, the difference is that the Empire smashes a world with brute force, while the rebels have to whittle down the opposition, slowly weakening them. Rebels probably make more money, because while the Empire has to build research labs to advance in technology, the Rebels have to buy (steal) technology one unit type at a time, and thus would need the extra credits. Further, the Empire does tend to be a bit slower, because a lot of their ground forces are Walkers, and so lumber on legs rather slowly. The rebels seem faster, because a lot of their ground units are repulsor (hovering) craft, and so move pretty quickly. Palpatine/Mon Mothma) is currently at the world.Īs for speed, you might be onto something. C-3PO needs your help with using the Force. To be honest, I've never noticed that kind of difference especially since those unit costs will change depending on what worlds you own, or if a certain unit (i.e. Rebels in 2016, you are going to travel to Tatooine, Hoth, Coruscant, and Endor.